Edited Volume: Baptista, L. and Rast, E. (eds.): Meaning
Context. New York, Bern: Peter Lang 2010.
ISBN 978-3-0343-0574-7.
Rast, E.: Reference
Indexicality. Berlin: Logos Verlag
2007. ISBN 978-3832517243. [This book is an improved
version of my PhD Thesis and was published in the series Logische
Philosophie at Logos, Berlin. The original thesis was
published as E. Rast (2006): Reference and Indexicality. PhD
Thesis, Roskilde University. An online version is available
Articles & Book Chapters
Better-making Properties and
the Objectivity of Value Disagreement, European
Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Vol. 20 No. 1, 2024, pp.
155-179. DOI https://doi.org/10.31820/ejap.20.1.7.
(link) (pdf)
The Multidimensional Structure
of 'better than', Axiomathes 32, 2022, pp. 291-319,
DOI 10.1007/s10516-020-09525-4. (link)
Contextual Meaning and Theory
Dependence. In: Wuppuluri, S., Stewart, I. (eds) From
Electrons to Elephants and Elections: Exploring the Role of
Content and Context. The Frontiers Collection.
Springer, Cham 2022, pp. 39-64. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92192-7_4.
(link) (pdf)
"Valores". Entry in
Santos Campos, André & Marques, António (eds.):
Dicionário de Filosofia Moral e Política, Ed. 2, publ. online
Feb. 2019 at URL http://www.dicionariofmp-ifilnova.pt/valores/
(transl. by Susana Cadilha). [A revised English version was
published under the title “Values” in 2023.]
Towards a Model of Argument
Strength for Bipolar Argumentation Graphs. Studies in
Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric 55 (68) 2018, pp.
31-62. (link)
Theory of Concepts. In Hansson,
Sven Ove & Hendricks, Vincent F. (eds.): Introduction to
Formal Philosophy, Springer 2018, pp. 241-250. (pdf) (link)
Perspectival Disagreement, Theoria - a Swedish Journal of
Philosophy, Vol. 84, No. 2 (May 2018), pp. 120-139.
DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/theo.12143.
Moral Choice Without Moralism.
In Marques, A. and Sàágua, J. (eds.): Values and
Practical Rationality, Peter Lang 2018, pp. 133-154. (link)
Metalinguistic Value
Disagreement, Studia
Semiotyczne, Vol. XXXI No. 2 (2017), pp.
139-159. (pdf) (link)
Value Disagreement and Two
Aspects of Meaning, Croatian
Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 17 No. 51(3) (2017), pp.
399-430. (pdf)
Commentary on Hitchcock's All
Things Considered. In Lewinski, M. & Mohammed, D.:
Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation,
Vol. 1. College Publications 2016, pp. 181-186. (Hitchcock's
article - my comment)
Harming Yourself and Others: A
Note on the Asymmetry of Agency in Action Evaluations. Polish
Journal of Philosophy, Vol. VIII, No. 2 (2014), pp.
65-74. ISSN 1897-1652. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5840/pjphil20082219.
[Note: Publ. in January 2016. The volumes are backdated.]
Context as Assumptions. In
Lihoreau, F. & Rebuschi, M. (eds.): Epistemology,
Context, and Formalism. Springer 2014, pp. 9-39. (link)
De se Attitudes and Semiotic
Aspects of Cognition. In Fonseca, J. & Gonçalves, J.
(eds.): Philosophical Perspectives on the Self. Peter
Lang 2015, pp. 121-146. (pdf)
Book review of Fenstad's
"Grammar, Geometry, & Brain", Studia
Logica , February 2014, Vol. 102, No. 1, pp.
219-223. (pdf) (link)
On contextual domain
restriction in categorial grammar. Synthese
Vol. 190 No. 12 (Aug. 2013), pp. 2085-2115. (pdf)
De Se Puzzles, the Knowledge
Argument, and the Formation of Internal Knowledge, Analysis
& Metaphysics, Vol. 11 (Dec. 2012), pp. 106-132.
Nonindexical Context-Dependence
and the Interpretation as Abduction Approach. Lodz
Papers in Pragmatics, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Dec. 2011), pp.
259-279. (pdf)
Classical Possibilism and
Fictional Objects. In Lihoreau, F. (ed.): Truth
in Fiction. Frankfurt: Ontos 2011, pp. 77-92. (link)
Plausibility Revision in
Higher-Order Logic With an Application in Two-Dimensional
Semantics. In Arrazola, Xabier and Ponte, María (eds.): LogKCA-10 - Proceedings of the
Second ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy
of Knowledge, Communication and Action. San
Sebastian/Donostia: University of the Basque Country
Press/ILCLI 2010, pp. 387-403. (pdf)
Introduction to Meaning
and Context (together with L. Baptista), In Rast /
Baptista (eds.): Meaning
and Context, Peter Lang 2011, pp. 1-17.
What Simulations Can't Do:
Reply to Fonseca and Gärtner. The
Reasoner Vol. 3, No. 10 (Oct. 2009), pp. 5-6.
Context and Interpretation. In
Larrazabal, Jesus M. and Zubeldia, Larraitz: Meaning,
Content, and Argument. San Sebastian/Donostia:
University of the Basque Country Press/ILCLI 2009, pp.
515-534. (pdf)
A Remark About Essential
Indexicals. The Reasoner
Vol. 2, No. 10 (Oct. 2008), pp. 5-6.
Reference and
Indexicality. PhD Thesis, Roskilde University 2006. (Thesis
and book differ in pagination and some of the content.)
What do we believe in? In:
Guldborg-Hansen, Pelle / Pedersen, Stig Andur: Shipping News.
Vol. 3 (December 2003). PHIS. Roskilde University Press,
2023-10-12 Chist-Era Antidote
Meeting: Inference to the Best Explanation, Reflective
Equilibrium, and Subjective Probability.[We
were short on time and so I didn't use the slides; here theyare for anyone interested.](pdf)
2023-02-24 Open Seminar,
IFILNOVA: How Objective Is Value Disagreement? (pdf)
2022-05-20 International
Conference "Metalinguistic Disagreement and Semantic
Externalism", May 19-20, 2022, IFILNOVA, Universidade
Nova de Lisboa: Discussing Word Meaning: The Question of
Internalism vs. Externalism. (pdf)
2022-05-04 Ethics and Political
Philosophy Reading Group, IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de
Lisboa: (Metalinguistic) Value Disagreement. (pdf)
2022-03-11 Open Seminar,
IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: Does "better than" have
a common scale? (pdf)
2022-09-22 ANTIDOTE Lisbon
Reading Group (Zoom), IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa:
On "Harman (1965): The Inference to the Best Explanation." (pdf)
2021-03-19 Open Seminar Online
(Zoom), IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: Contextual
Meaning and Theory Dependence. (pdf)
2021-03-03 Ethics and Political
Philosophy Reading Group (Zoom), IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova
de Lisboa: On "Karl Dieter Opp (2013): Norms and Rationality".
2020-06-26 Value Seminar Online
(Zoom), IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: Metalinguistic
Disputes and Externalist Meaning. (pdf)
2020-03-04 Ethics and Political
Philosophy Reading Group, EpLab, IFILNOVA: On Sven Ove
Hansson's overview article "Formal Investigations of Value". (pdf)
2019-11-22 Value Seminar,
IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: The Theory Theory of
Metalinguistic Disagreement. (pdf)
2019-07-11 MERELY Workshop on
Metalinguistic Negotiation and Conceptual Engineering,
Universidade de Lisboa: Some Remarks About Theory Change
and Topic Continuity. (pdf)
2019-05-17 Uppsala Higher
Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Uppsala University (by
invitation of Erik Carlson): A Multidimensional Approach
to 'better than'. (pdf)
2019-04-12 Value Seminar,
IFILNOVA, Universidade de Lisboa: Does Collective Action
Require We-Intentions? (pdf)
ArgLab Colloqium, IFILNOVA, Universidade de Lisboa: Multidimensional
'better than'.
2019-01-23 Ethics and Political
Philosophy Reading Group, EPLap, IFILNOVA, Universidade de
Lisboa: Discussion of Klocksiem (2016): "How to accept
the transitivity of 'better than'." (pdf)
2018-12-19 CFCUL Reasoning
Group, Universidade de Lisboa: Multidimensional 'better
than' and Decision Making.
2018-09-28 ArgLab Colloqium,
IFILNOVA: Reasons for the Occasional Illusion of
Faultless Moral Disagreement. (pdf)
2018-05-24 Ethics and Political
Philosophy Group, IFILNOVA: Value Disagreement and
2018-03-16 Values in
Argumentative Discourse Research Seminar, IFILNOVA: Lexicographic
Principles in the Theory of Value Structure. (pdf)
2017-12-15 Values in
Argumentative Discourse Research Seminar, IFILNOVA: Passing
the Buck the Right Way. (pdf)
2017-06-09 Values in
Argumentative Discourse Research Seminar, IFILNOVA: Argument
Strength for Bipolar Argument Graphs. (pdf)
2017-05-14 Philang 2017, Lodz,
Poland: Value Disagreement and Dual Aspect Semantics. (pdf)
2016-10-21, Langcog Group,
Universidade de Lisboa: Implicit Value Disagreement.
2016-10-21, ArgLab Colloquium,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa: Value Disagreement and
Different Aspects of Meaning. (pdf)
2016-02-23, IFILNOVA Institute
of Philosophy, Lisbon, Research Colloquium: Is There
Nonsymmetric Disagreement?
2015-06-17, Decisions, Games
and Logic 2015, London School of Economics, UK: Making up
one's mind: from values to value judgments. (pdf)
2015-06-10, 1st European
Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Reasoned
Action, Lisbon: Comment on Hitchcock's "All Things
2014-09-05, Congresso Português
de Filosofia da SPF 2014, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon
: How tenable is Negative Utilitarianism? (pdf)
2014-07-08, Encontro IFL 2014:
Order-based values - their
scope and their limits. (pdf)
2013-04-08, GV-Conf 2013: Evaluating time-continuous
action alternatives from the perspective of Negative
Utilitarianism. [not properly peer-reviewed] In
Sovreski, Z., Mokry, M., Badura, S. &
Lieskovský,A.: Proceedings of the Global Virtual
Conference 2013 (ISBN: 978-80-554-0649-7), EDIS - University
of ilina, pp. 349-351.
2012-03-16, Knowledge and
Disagreement, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon: Disagreement
and understanding what has been said. (pdf
2011-07-07, IFL: On
the interplay between subjective plausibility and default
reasoning in the context of interpreting natural language
utterances. (pdf slides)
2011-05-13, PhiLang 2011, Łodz:
context-dependence and the interpretation as abduction
approach. (pdf slides)
(Note: In my opinion abduction only makes sense when you also
consider a rational way of revising the underlying
plausibility ordering/preference relation in light of new
evidence. Anything else would be cheating.)
2010-11-03, LogKCA-10,
Donostia: Plausibility
revision in higher-order logic with an application in
two-dimensional semantics. (pdf
2010-06-09, OFA 6, Lisbon: Some argument against epistemic
2009-11-12, Epiconfor,
University of Nancy/MSH Lorraine: Context
as assumptions (pdf slides)
2009-09-18, ENFA 4, University
of Evora, Portugal: Whose context
2009-07-15, IFL, New University
of Lisbon, Portugal: Classical
possibilism and fictional objects. (pdf
slides) (Note: In this and the previous talk,
description theory is primarily used for illustrative
purposes. As I have argued in Reference&Indexicality
Millianism is adequate for modelling a narrow notion of semantic
2009-06-18, BW6, University of
Barcelona, Spain: Possibilia and the
description theory of reference.
2009-05-08, SPR09, University
of the Basque Country, Donostia/San Sebastian: Context
and interpretation. (pdf
2009-02-21 OFA5, Lisbon: Description theory and identifying reference.(manuscript)
2008-11-26, IFL: Quantifier
Domain restriction in categorial grammar. (pdf slides)
2008-02-22, IFL: Indexicality
and information II. (IFL General Seminar Series.)
2008-02-08,IFL: Indexicality and
information I. IFL General Seminar Series.